In that case - by all means let's go on *O*
With the "cutie di tutti cuties" *O*
.. now I am going to get it from the mob
- and the Italians too probably *o*
And also from the cutie in question ...
Here he certainly look like he would like to put his trusty old boot up my backside and re-arrange my tailfeathers a bit ...
Not funny, baby cheeks?
Oh, the frame is too heavy - gives you a headache :-)
O.k. then - let's get it off of you *o*
Ah, good *o* That didn't last for long :-)
My Johnny can laugh at himself too *O*
And I look like this Smiley when ever I see Johnny;
BIG smile and my tongue hanging out *O*
What, Sweetie? You can't see through me like this ...
I am glad to hear that actually -
it would have been rather GROSS if you could -O*
Here the frame is spinning like Tim Burton's brain *o*
And mine, sweetie? Yes, mine too *O*
When you are right, you are right, darling -
and I certainly don't mind being like the great Mr. Burton ;-)
When my fictional fellow first saw this he moaned;
"That's what comes of leaving a chicken playing alone
at a computer with Photoshop installed!"
I don't think it's that bad ...
Do you?
We are just seeing Roux through a heavy set of drapes *o*
He ain't square after all, you know *O*
And this got the comment
"O.k. - the pirate is framed twice ...
Does he have to go to jail two times then?"
Yes, my sweet Johnny-boy, you do ;-D
In MY jail!
Where you get kisses, danish and coffee
instead of bread and water *o*
... could you have Rum in that coffee?
O.k. :-) Why not *O*
Lots of things ;-)
Like these seventys inspired "tiles" behind our man *o*
Weird, right - Johnny looks a bit sceptical too -o*
I were just playing with Photoshop, that's all *O*
Here's just one of the "tiles" - and Johnny, of course *o*
One more "crazy frame" - oh, I do love Photoshop *O*
But is it my imagination - or is my baby starting to look tired ...
Cluck-YES! Here he has even sat down and -
and lost all colour and - and ... Sniff ...
No - wait just a minute ...
The pic looked like that when I scanned it?
Stop giggling, Johnny! Or I'll - I'll - kiss you *o*
O.k. :-) Just two more pictures
and we're done for today - night?
Tonight *O*
Here's a fairly "quiet" picture - frame and all - of a BEAUTIFUL guy *o*
And then let's end with yet another view of that there
beautiful buccaneer on top of ... something -O*
I give you ...
(drumroll, please! ... or roll a cigarette, if little Jack Monkey stole the drum ;-) )
That's all for this time :-)
Thank y'all for flying with Chicken Airline and goodnight *o*
Come on, my sweet little Ja - Johnny :-)
I have bribed the jail doggie with all kind of treats and got the keys
and we are all alone in this big old jail house tonight so let's ..
Let's do some Jail House Rock ???
We are finally alone
- the costumers are gone home and little Jack is off ..
with the monkey ladies somewhere -
And you want to play your GUITAR !!!
Oh, you are teasing me, you little - I'm gonna get you good for this *O*
*runs off after a grinning Johnny/Jack down into the dungeons (and the dragons?) never to be seen again - before the sequel, that is*