The Depp-Magpie household is almost always short of cash - we are both very good at using money -o*
So the other day when we were facing the same problem of having virtually no money yet again I sat belly aching and my imaginary - and very imaginative - Johnny said; "Why don't we sell something? Old books, we never read anymore. CDs we don't want to hear again ... The lovely photos you have taken yourself - make them into postcards and sell them! At least think about it while I go visit my friend and maybe we can get something going"
So I did think. And a idea came up and presented itself - taking off its beloved tricornered hat and bowing depply - and almost lost his balance doing so ...
So you might be able to guess who my idea looked like *O*
While I don't think any one in their right mind would buy any of the things my darling suggested we should sell - especially my corny old photos even if I made them into postcards - I did come up with a thing I "owe" and which I am pretty sure
- or almost everybody -o* - would give their right eyetooth to have *O*
Let me just show you what I mean *O*
Isn't he a doll *o*
Wouldn't you "buy" him if you could *O*
Let's take a closer look, shall we ;-D
Aaaaawwww ...
Even after the silly Meeps has been playing Andy Warhol
he look so ...
And I am not being difficult with the price now, am I -o* ?
My darling little puppy comes with an excellent pedigree,
I might add *o*
In my imagination none other than the lovely love-goddess Aphrodite is Johnny's mum *O*
... and my mother-in-law - that I have for my sins -O*
But at this point in my fun my Johnny came home
and he was not amused ...
He would not be a product and labelled and sold!
So he was about to leave again - for good this time ...
Snuff ...
But I do have my ways with my hotheaded baby
- or he would have left for his mum's place a long time ago -o* -
so after he had finished giggling ...
.. because of the dent
his somewhat heavy babyhen made in the hard marble
jumping up and down
(my actually very sweet mother-in-law
has learn me a trick or two about getting my way -o* )
he decide "If you don't have the heart to lick her join her!"
And said;
"O.k. If I am to be sold let's do it right! Next picture, sweetie *o* !"
Quickly adding;
"No, no, little one - way too ambitious and artistic! Try simplicity ..."
"More like this!" my Johnny said.
Sticking the tip of his tongue out the side of his mouth for concentration
and looking even more wonderful doing so -o*
Then added with contempt
"But that is a stupid picture anyway! Beautiful, but stupid! It looks like he wouldn't know a thought if it jumped up and bit him!"
(My thoughts never bites me - do yours?)
"No! Let's have so fun!" my sweetie declared.
"If you can have Johnny Walker on the rocks then why not Johnny Depp"
my boy laughed.
But I begged to differ and made this picture ...
Making my sweetie protest
"But Meepsie ... I'm not a soft dri.. I am not at all SOFT! I - erm - I ... I am as hard as they get!"
But I of course didn't agree
- my mother-in-law claims argueing is good for a relationship -o* -
and stated "Are too!"
(sounding very mature ... He *o*)
Then added "You are soft, brown, sweet - lovely -
Just looka here, my baby sweet"
So - after my "hard bad guy" had wiped away some tears, blown his cute little nose and kissed me - he decided "Enough of that mushy stuff! ... stop giggling, you ... chicken, you *o* Let's try some more fun *O*"
And this is what we saw as fun -o*
"Nobody is gonna buy that" I giggled
almost falling of my chair.
"Oh, yeah" Johnny drawled in a droll fashion.
Then smiled "You'll be surprised what fans will do -
even otherwise sensible fans of that there Depp guy"
(my boy always claim firmly he is NOT Depp
- although he sometimes forget his statement
in the heat of a moment -o* )
"But let's try this - that must be an "anti-ad." for smoking" he then chuckled.
"Or a very sweet Johnny taking good care of the small fry" I smiled.
And got a thrown back *o* Followed by a shy wonderful smile *O*
So I hurried up and added my idea of "the good life" *O*
And an imaginary version might be even better
than "The Real Thing" *O*
[Although said fictional fellow did remind me - grinning - of how much - or little - Jack Sparrow was on top of the world in that moment *O*]
But it certainly is in my case since my invented sweetheart
then made me this ad. to use ...
... if ever I want to start a beauty parlour
to earn some extra money *O*
But all that hard work made us thirsty
so we went back to the friend Johnny had visited ...
Which just got us depper - eh - deeper in trouble ...
Poor Johnny -o*
But he did get the singing drunk chicken safely home *O*
Yes, Johnny *o*
Just the now sober Meeps playing a bit :-)
You will only be held fast in my arms
and you can leave when ever you like *O*
So as y´all can probably guess by now;
He *o*
But how about it, my dear "costumer"
not tired of poor Johnny being meepsed yet ???
... although there is only pretty pictures left
- no more silly ad.s *o* -
I do have more to show you today *o*